what is color theory and color wheel ?
What are color theory and color wheel? Color theory Introduction color theory process which gives knowledge of how human understand and receives any idea through color. the human mind has the idea of how color and its nature itself make people understand what it means and how they react Both in science and art. the color theory basically involves understanding of message through Visual communications There are 3 types of colors Primary color Secondary color Tertiary color Primary colors: red, yellow, blue Secondary color: orange, green, violet Tertiary color: There are CMYK and RGB color CMYK: Cyan, magenta, yellow, ( black ) key RGB: Red, green, blue RGB: the television, projects, screening, and other digital visual arts used the color RGB to the representation itself, which is red, blue, green, and mixed with the white screen together to create a unique color that gives an appealing stand to the viewers so why does ...
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