what is color theory and color wheel ?
What are color theory and color wheel?
Color theory
color theory process which gives knowledge of how human understand and receives any idea through color. the human mind has the idea of how color and its nature itself make people understand what it means and how they react Both in science and art. the color theory basically involves understanding of message through Visual communications
There are 3 types of colors
Primary color
Secondary color
Tertiary color
Primary colors: red, yellow, blue
Secondary color: orange, green, violet
There are CMYK and RGB color
CMYK: Cyan, magenta, yellow, ( black ) key
RGB: Red, green, blue
RGB: the television, projects, screening, and other digital visual arts used the color RGB to the representation itself, which is red, blue, green, and mixed with the white screen together to create a unique color that gives an appealing stand to the viewers
so why does color matter?
for example, if you put your logo on social media might not look at it the way you want it because the mode of color is wrongly set and used, to fix it. the first thing that you need to understand is that when you want to use a logo on a digital screen you need to use the RGB mode not the CMYK
CMYK is a subtractive color mixing model, as you see any product that is being printed like the newspaper, the sheets in your table and template, brochure for all a printed method of CMYK widely used process the reason is that CMYK what the printer uses to print Out your Final output ( voucher, brochure, poster, visiting card, etc)
The RGB will not give the same output as the CMYK
so why is it that color theory is important in business and in other commercial Industries so why do we use color instead of just applying some color in the packaging which you make in order to sell the packaging of the product?
why do you use color?
color gives you the representation of a unique pride of color which your brand can be identified with,
for example, Coca Cola having the color red identifies is the company represents its brand itself and the color really gives you an uplifting look where people get attracted just looking at your product and make it legal to buy
in the majority of the pot your brand is being identified on the shelf itself where is the color represents a piece of mind where a person successful Logo none the less of your color itself a logo is an identification of the brand but even so a color gives a proper representation to people even an unknown person can identify that product is actually from that brand
for example, when you are going into a shop buying a packet of chips which is what company you may prefer for the first thing that comes into your mind is the color of the chips what you are going to be buying is based upon and if your going to buy chips with a yellow packaged chips lays, your eyes to see for the yellow packet itself, where you see the brand after you saw the color
The color wheel:
The color wheel was created by Sir Isaac Newton in 1666. It was then adopted by artists and designers to make wonderful color harmonies, and mixing of colors to make new palettes for their painting and design. the color below consists majorly of primary colors that is 3 which is the red blue and green the secondary color which is then created by mixing the primary colors together to get green orange and purple and the tertiary color which is made from the primary and secondary colors such as blue-green and red-violet
Tints, shades, hue, tone
The Tin shade huge and the tones are the color that you may get after mixing the Primary secondary.
for example, if you take the color red and mix it with white you will get a color a pink shade which is called tinted ( white), and on the other side if you mix the red with black you get a burgundy color Which is called hue ( black )
Complementary color:
complementary colors are the color that sits opposite to the other color in the color wheel which gives a compliment to the proper color with you using, for example, the color Red and Green in the color wheel
Analogous color:
analogous color gives compliment to the color which is primarily used and give support to another color as it is used at the background for example if you are having a bright blue Logo and you are using white background means the white gives a complementary background for your enhancement of the blue logo
This method of color planing is used in business a lot to attract the customer’s attention
with a good understanding of the color theory, you may be able to create a beautiful representation of graphic design which may be useful for the business selling and for promotional content graphic always gives the promotional representation of the company and that's why the industry always your problems to those who create wonderful graphics with the color theory basic knowledge
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