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what is a neutral color ? define neutral color

what is a neutral color?  define neutral color  Neutral colors  neutral colors are the color that does not show up in the color wheel and their colors that are used to complement the primary and secondary colors or any mixture of together to brighten off the primary color of the brand to highlight itself to look good neutral colors are black white grey beige and brown ( Neutral colors are the color that is like a little bit darker shade of multi-color switch on not that much right but compliments the primary and secondary colors )

what is Tertiary colors? define Tertiary colors

   what are Tertiary colors? define Tertiary colors Tertiary colors The tertiary color is created when both the primary and the secondary colors are mixed together equally and they create unique color palettes and the common Colors mixing are yellow-orange, red-orange, red-violet, blue-violet, blue-green, yellow-green

what is Secondary colors? define secondary colors

  what are Secondary colors?  define secondary colors  Secondary colors  secondary colors are the colors which you get when you mix the equal amount of primary colors together and the secondary color is orally located in between the primary colors in the traditional color wheel And the secondary color are orange, green, violet 

what are called primary color ? define primary color

 what are called primary colors? define primary colors Primary colors Primary colors are the colors that cannot be created when mixing with any other colors, but when you mix primary colors together you can create a wide range of color shades and palettes. colors are mostly formed when mixing some other colors together.  primary color comes from the color wheel and they are red, blue, and Yellow.  you can create a wide range of shapes with these primary colors  for the printing media the CMYK is a primary color in which the printing is done with.  the color is cyan, magenta, yellow, and  black ( key ) as for Digital media, the RGB is the primary color model.  it is used on Digital screens like television and other social media platform and those colors are red, green, and   blue.

what is color theory and color wheel ?

What are color theory and color wheel? Color theory  Introduction  color theory process which gives knowledge of how human understand and receives any idea through color. the human mind has the idea of how color and its nature itself make people understand what it means and how they react Both in science and art. the color theory basically involves understanding of message through Visual communications There are 3 types of colors Primary color Secondary color Tertiary color  Primary colors: red, yellow, blue Secondary color: orange, green, violet  Tertiary color:  There are CMYK and RGB color  CMYK: Cyan,  magenta, yellow, ( black ) key RGB: Red,  green, blue  RGB:   the television, projects, screening, and other digital visual arts used the color RGB to the representation itself, which is red, blue, green, and mixed with the white screen together to create a unique color that gives an appealing stand to the viewers  so why does ...

What is adobe illustrator ?

 W hat is adobe illustrator? by hella's designz world Introduction to adobe illustrator: when it comes to Drawing , A very famous software is popular among all designers and it is called Adobe Illustrator.  this software is commonly used by the creator to create illustration and animation and other character designs based upon the event of  what the design is supposed to be based on the reason why Illustrator is famous is because of its Matrix-based programming , the reason is that when you draw a picture in Illustrator the picture will  have a high-resolution effect where is no matter how much time you use to zoom in the picture. it will not crack like the pixel, which is made in Photoshop Illustrator is a field of imagination  where an illustration can come alive for what the creator wants to create illustrations for it is based upon digital drawing Illustrator stands as one of them.  the supreme software which gives the best experience fo...

What is photoshop? adobe photoshop

  What is Photoshop?.... by Hella's design world Introduction a simple introduction to the topic called photo editing in Photoshop . I want to talk about some easy and simple activity which we can do e without spending a boring time just sitting around so what we can actually do it that download the Photoshop app and then decide what you want today we can create info_graphic, icons,  graphics, photo albums, and many other things or even create simple custom templates for your promotional content it depends upon the reason why you want to develop something anything even digital paint or draw animes which if you are interested like me who loves animation so these are some examples which u can do with photoshop   the first step which you need to take on your journey to become an arrest or to be an editor or to do something for fun go to Adobe Photoshop which is the Adobe -photoshop link to download your service, shop for yourself free 30-day trial, if you guys like it...

top 8 Instagram template design by Hella's designz world

 Top 8 Instagram template design by Hella all this design are some of the ideas for Instagram templates for sharing photo and posting a new post in a colorful background you can use these templates to promote your brand service by attaching your brand logo, your service photo and putting your social media links , there any pages in social media that do follow a packaged content and get good feedback all the design in this page is created by me if your interested on using this template for commercial purpose please send me a mail on if you're using the template for personal use it free you can add my link that has a contribution 

How to save project in photoshop

 How to save the project in photoshop by Hella's designz world how to SAVE your project work in photoshop cc and it is one of the important parts of your work  when you finish your editing work in photoshop , you have to save the project for any future use and other reason  so how to Save it go to file -> save ( or ) Ctrl + S a box will pop up , here in that box you can save the name   and click the save button your project is saved